Jul 9, 2010



I love birthdays--probably because birthdays mean opportunities to pig out on cake and ice cream! And I also enjoy giving gifts (it is often more fun than getting presents!) to see the look on people's faces when they open the gifts.

July is a busy birthday month for me! July 4th is Phil's friend's Joey birthday. We celebrated his birthday and mine last weekend at my father-in-law's. Today at work we celebrated co-worker Kay's birthday, July 8th. People brought in food to share (cake is very yummy!) and gifts for her. Tonight we celebrate Phil's nephew's 11th birthday with pizza and cake. His birthday is July 12th, but he will be back to his home in Alabama by then. On Sunday is my birthday--I will be 26. I think we'll stay home for the day because we've been gone so often. On Tuesday is my friend Michelle's birthday, and she will be the same age as me. And one day this month is Tyrone, another in-law's, birthday. So happy birthday everyone!!

So here's to eating cake and pizza--and then being motivated to work out in the morning to have a healthy balance!

Once my sketch is done, I will post about that!