Sep 21, 2010


Rice Rice, Baby
 Sufficient with minerals and vitamins
Somersaults with fish in yummy sushi
 Acting as a friend of coffee

Rice Rice, Baby
 Food  for half of the people
In the world
 Love by young and old

Sometimes under-price
 Sometimes over-price
Rice Rice, Baby
 Always the right food
At the right time
 Rice Rice, Baby


People collect almost everything. From baseball cards to dusts. Just kidding! Maybe pebbles but not dusts. I collect postcards. This hobby started when I graduated from college. Since I do not have the means to travel I decided to be bold and ask my traveling buddies to send me postcards when they undertake journey to a foreign soil. By 'looking' at postcard(s), it allows me to 'itinerate' from an exotic place to another. It started off as a simple aimless hobby but the more I collect the more I wonder about the origin of postcards...

In the earlier part of  19th century, writing letters enclosed in envelopes were a norm.  By the end of the 19th century the idea of writing on a piece of card without envelope evolved. There were some images printed on the postcard but the size of the image was small in order for messages to be written. Dividing the postcard into two sections for the address (left-side) and message (right-side) came into style. 

Although postcard collecting is treated as a hobby and a means of affordable communication, business-minded publishers decided to fill the postcard with white border in order to save the amount of ink used for images as the business soared. Subsequently, linen style, chrome postcards photography style and real photo postcards became the norm for today's postcards.

If you do not have any hobby why not start collecting postcards? Postcards are ubiquitously available everywhere, cheap, light and pretty, not to mention easy to store.  Additionally, postcards curb boredom -  Indulge in the rich iconic representations on the postcard, travel with the images.  From humour to nostalgia to joy to hate, welcome to the practice of deltiology - the art of collecting postcards.

Sep 11, 2010

What is your September Goals?

Show confidence and faith and persevere until you gain success
Many books have been written about how to achieve our goals. Many leaders, mainly church leaders, as far as I have experienced give motivational speeches on how to fulfill our goals. We think it is hard and impossible to achieve our goals because we often forget what are the main reasons for our failure. Often, when we try several attempts to execute our goal and fail, we give up immediately. Too many failed attempts at reaching for a specific goal will stop us from recharging our mindset and accomplishing again. Experts call this situation the "Brick Wall".

As mention, the "Brick Wall" is hard. It is tough. In other words, in my own terms, I call it our stubborn inflexible unconsciousness to move forward. The broader the "brick wall" is the more difficult one takes to demolish it. An easy and painless way to overcome this is to write down all the times you have try to attain your goal and why it failed. By identifying the cause(s), and by bringing them into your consciousness, as opposed to compiling the failures into a "brick wall", you get the opportunity to analyze the reasons for failing, subsequently understanding your current circumstances and think of ways to solve it. Don't be a bully to yourself by building "brick walls" around you. Bull doze those "brick walls" and strive for the September sky!

Sep 2, 2010

Family Vacation

Last weekend was my family vacation. We stayed on Lake Huron on some property that we rented for the weekend - it was a house and three cabins. Phil and I got our own cabin, which was nice. The weather was perfect - very warm and sunny. Phil and I got there on Friday about 4pm and left Sunday at 11am.

(me and my sister Dana)
Some of the things we did were shopping, bike riding and swimming. My brother and I were really the only ones who swam in the cold water! My cousins brought a jet-ski so there was a little riding of that. A lot of pigging out, too!

We also played card games in the evening. I really enjoyed playing Mafia. What you do is get about 8 people together. Then you have 2 King cards, 1 Queen card, 1 Jack card and then enough number cards for the rest of the people. You mix up the cards and hand them out. One person acts as a narrator and doesn't get a card. What they say first is, "OK, everyone close their eyes and go to sleep." Everyone closes their eyes. Then they say, "Mafia, wake up." Only those people who have the King cards open their eyes. Narrator: "Mafia, who dies first?" Without speaking the Mafia choose the first victim. Narrator: "Mafia, go to sleep. Doctor, wake up." The person who has the Jack card opens their eyes. Narrator: "Mafia, who do you want to save?" The doctor, not knowing who the Mafia are or the victim, guesses a person to save. If they pick someone who was picked as the victim, the victim is saved. If not, the victim is out of the game. After picking the person, Narrator: "Doctor go to sleep. Police, wake up. Who do you want to arrest?" The person with the Queen card wakes up and picks someone to arrest (not knowing who the Mafia, victim or doctor are). After picking the person, Narrator: "Police, go to sleep. Everyone wake up." The narrator then explains who was the victim, whether or not the doctor saved them, and who got arrested. The policeman is now identified (but Mafia and doctor still a secret) so that everyone can try to persuade the police to arrest who they think is the Mafia (and the Mafia can try to persuade police to arrest someone else). I don't think the policeman can be picked to die as they are part of the entire game.

Now, if you are chosen as the victim and not saved, you're out of the game but can keep your eyes open to watch the action. If the doctor picked you to save, you're in the game. But, no matter who you are, if the police arrest you, you are out of the game. The game continues in these rounds until all civilians (including doctor) have been killed or all of the Mafia have been arrested.

It was a really fun game, it was about strategy and teamwork and it was interesting!
(Me and my brother David)