Excitement of the Olympics begins!

When I was young, the only thing I know of Olympics is that the games are held every four years. Nothing much to ponder on as my country, Malaysia hardly participates in any events, except for badminton. As an adult now, I wonder about the origins of Olympics, curious about how the gold medals are made and the 'spirit' of Olympics . So many questions. Here, I will only examine the history briefly, and some controversial issue on the gold medals that I happened to read on.
Short History of the Games (I)

While athletes train most of their lives for the Olympics, the actual games only last for 16 days. During these exciting days, 300 events will take place in 35 different sports ( I don't really understand this part, 300 events I understand; but 300 events in 35 different sports...if anyone understands this, please explain to me). These ceremonies are meant to inspire athletes, promote national pride, and celebrate tradition and history. Not forgetting, atheletes are to abide the rules and regulations and protocols in order to preserve the integrity of the ancient games.
I dare say, modern Olympic Games is a huge sport festival!
Five Rings (II)

The five rings are linked together with different colour for each rings to symbolize universality. The five rings represent the five continents where international athletes came to compete with each other. This explains the reason for the interlocked rings on the flag. Consisting of black, green, red, yellow, and blue, the colour rings reflect aesthetically on the white flag background. The colours of the rings on the white background do not signify any specific continents but to elucidate that at least one of every colour that is on the flag is on every nations flag. Believe it or not, the same Olympic flag has been used for almost a hundred years now and will be used for years to come.
Admittedly, the making of the London gold medals will make your brow contract in displeasure and anger. Each gold medal won at this summer's Olympics began life as 350 tons of dirty grey rubble taken from the desert mountains of Utah, on the edge of Salt Lake City. That is how the gold medals, which the winners will wear is borned from. Working in a mine so large that it can be seen from space, each truck carries 350 tons of dirty, grey-coloured ore that marks the production of Olympic gold, silve and bronze medals.
One creation of gold medal takes nearly an entire load of ore from one of the trucks. With 4,700 medals to be presented this year, it is clear that this means business for the Utah Copper Enterprise.
According to Matt Lengerich, the general manager of the Kennecott Utah Copper Bingham Valley Mine, 'You are looking at the very start of the process to create what the athlethes in London will be competing for'. He is standing on the edge of an enormous hole, three quaters of a a mile (1.6km~) deep and nearly three miles (4.8km~) wide. The open cast mine is the largest man-made excavation in the world.
Not forgetting, the air and noise pollution...
Dilemma of True Sports Spirits and the Damage of the Making of the Gold Medal
As much as the Olympic Games bring joys and tears, the making of it especially the prizes do not make me proud of being a human. It actually put me to shame. Destroying Mother Nature for gold. Nevertheless, as I am not a member of the International Olympic Committe, I have no say in anything they do. Even if I do, I am sure the Utah citizens have already made their opinions heard of.
I am just going to listen to the 'Moneyball' soundtrack - 'Just enjoy the show' to make myself feel better.
May the best and most determine players win.
Dilemma of True Sports Spirits and the Damage of the Making of the Gold Medal
As much as the Olympic Games bring joys and tears, the making of it especially the prizes do not make me proud of being a human. It actually put me to shame. Destroying Mother Nature for gold. Nevertheless, as I am not a member of the International Olympic Committe, I have no say in anything they do. Even if I do, I am sure the Utah citizens have already made their opinions heard of.
I am just going to listen to the 'Moneyball' soundtrack - 'Just enjoy the show' to make myself feel better.
May the best and most determine players win.