Apr 16, 2008

Guest Check

I am attracted to the image on my left for several reasons. At first glance, the image above looks pretty ordinary. A receipt from a restaurant as there are words, ‘Server’, ‘Table’, and ‘Guests’ printed on the paper. If you are into 4D Magnum gambling, you can play around with the numbers – 755774 and try your luck by submitting only 4 digits and hope that you will be the next millionaire.

It does look simple when you only glance at this receipt. In fact, for those who don’t even look at their receipts after their purchases, I do not expect them to look at what is written on the paper itself. However, sometimes it’s wise to look at what is printed on the content as people or even computers have the tendency to make mistakes - wrong information might be written wrongly or typo error.

“She’s the reason I stopped thinking about suicide”. Sounds like a suicidal note. Why is it written on a receipt? Hiring a private detective to answer the questions might be a little costly and I cannot really afford it at the moment, nonetheless, after several days of ruminating at this receipt and the phrase…

I believe that playing with Death on a receipt is rather absurd. Even though, it might end up as a joke, I finally decided that it’s more than a joke. Death and suicide is the end of a journey or destruction. It is devastating for the victim’s family and friends when the victim passed away. Fundamentally, Death is not a joke.

Sometimes, people think that the unhappiness they are feeling and experiencing will go on forever. Everything that is happening to them is “here” and “now”. There cannot be a brighter future around the corner. They believe that no one can help them. Being helplessness and hopeless in their asphyxiating bubble(s) finally lead them to no where but suicide. They believe that they can either choose to live with the pain, or end it by ending their life.

The ultimate decision could be fatal.

The only set of solutions to solve this Death equation is to take the victim’s message seriously. Listen to him or her. Do not leave him or her alone. Call the crisis line for assistance.

I was once suicidal and I am glad that someone listened to me.

Suicide can be prevented.


Shair Ein said...

where did you get the picture of the receipt from? postsecret? hrm..

anyway, i was 'blog-hopping' recently and saw numerous post on my friend's friend's friend's friend's blog (or something like that) and found out that this guy who was in my college but i don't know him one la, anyway the point is, he passed away. being the busybody i was, i went looking around and found out that he actually fell down from some gym bar and hit his head, went into coma and after a few days he passed away.
although i don't know him (at all)but i still feel that emptiness. like the feeling you get after say you bought 3 of your favourite cookies and you eat two of them, it's like gone.

you must be wondering what has this to do with your post, but just want to tell you as cliche as this sounds: when 'god' closes a door on you, 'he' opens another window. just open your eyes and look for that window.

suicide survivor ot not, know that you'll akways have me to talk to. :) email me and make sure the title is eye catching enough! :)

hearts and cookies!

Sachiko Matsuda said...

Oh!!! Its kinda mind boggling how Death just comes and goes. Yeap, found this image from postsecret. My English professor asked us to pick an image that we like and talked about it. So, in order to ensure my English is not down the drain, I am writing to polish up my own writing.

I also want to get people to read my writing more, so I will put random images that I hope attract people.

Hearts and Cookies and Dogs

Btw, cookies are fattening leh!!