It is difficult to ask people to donate their money for a good cause today, without receiving plentiful of rejections and curses on the face. As we all understand, unsolicited visits no matter how good the intentions are – are unwelcome. The foot in the door practice to ask people for money does not work anymore. People distrust “volunteers” who ask for money with the excuses that they are broke or they have donated. Besides, too many crooks are around spoiling the good-intentions of the volunteers. However, what if we substitute “money” with “blood”, will it result the same rejections as asking people to donate money?
I hope not. Donating blood creates a mutually beneficial relationship between the donor and the receiver. Donating blood saves lives. For one donation from a person, s/he can save up to 3lives. How else can you save 3 lives within an hour right? Blood itself cannot be manufactured like other household items; it can only be received from the sources that carry it.
Well, if you are a little self-centered, and still disagree with donating your blood, for hygienic reasons, I assure you that the process of blood donation is very safe and hygienic, and also glamorous. There maybe a sting when the doctor/ nurse inject the needle to your skin, but there is no pain during the process.
Moreover, giving blood reaffirms pride in your own health. You will also be rewarded with mini physical checkups, including blood pressure check, heart rate, temperature and iron levels, and it’s also the fastest way to lose a pound! Remember, not everyone, has the opportunity, like you and I, to donate blood due to poor health reasons.
Particularly for men, donating blood is a life-saving for the donor himself. Since, men are at higher risk for “iron overload” disorder, (due to too much iron that builds up in the blood), donating blood, can allow early detection for the donor. The doctor/nurse will ring the donor up immediately if there are any faults in the blood. Research shows if men give blood 3 times a year, they can reduce their “iron overload” and therefore decrease their risk of heart-attack by as much as 50%.
Lastly but not least, blood donors are true heroes and heroines. If all eligible donors would donate on a regular basis, 4 to 6 times a year, blood shortages could be a thing of the past. If you are a parent, you are setting up a positive example for your children to volunteer in the future. You are contributing to a vital community service which actually makes the world a better place to be. And the best part is that, it does not even cost you a cent to save 3 lives.
I wanted to donate blood the other day!!! But I was so busy...it was the week before my midsem exams. Damn it.
The last time I wanted to donate, apparently I was like 2 days TOO young to donate. I had to be lapan belas tahun cukup to donate lor.
Some more I went through the whole procedure where they ask you to fill in forms la, survey questions blablabla, they even WEIGHED me, then when I was like all ready, this nurse came to me and asked, "You belum lapan belas lagi kan?" I replied, "Dua hari lagi saja!" The nurse, "Maafla, tak boleh, mesti cukup lapan belas tahun baru boleh. Kali lain la."
After reading this blog, I saw a sign advertising a local blood drive, so I gave blood. It was my second time giving blood but my 4th time trying. It is very satisfying! Thank you for the post encouraging people to donate.
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