I found a very disturbing article about Malaysian Muslim Municipal killing dogs in September 2013 on Facebook this morning. It might be unfair for me to judge the whole situation as I have been out of the country for more than 10 years. But being a Malaysian myself who knows the ins and outs of how corrupted and racists the government is and updates from my friends and parents keeps me aware of what is happening to the animals and people in my country. With this said, the photo tells you all. The Municipal in most cities are brutally slashing, dragging stray dogs in the streets like a performance to warn the Chinese to be careful of their actions. If the Chinese go overboard, they will end up like the dogs.
I could only watch in despair as this poor dog is another victim for the religious persecution. For those who are unaware of what is going on in Malaysia. Let me briefly fill you up. There is a big problem with racism in Malaysia, which is not know to worldwide. Islam practioners (basically ethnic Malays) gain Bumiputera status (cheaper housing loans, lower interest rates, easier academic access and so on), whereas non Islam practioners gain nothing. In other words, the economic policies are designed to favor the Bumiputeras. This status is further streghten by the affirmative action (A provision that provides economic and social advantages) implemented in the 1970s after the Chinese ethnic protested against the Bumiputeras in 1969.
Fastforward 40years and you get what you see on the photo.
On a daily basis, especially when you are a non-Bumiputera, you need to be really aware of your belongings and surroundings. Let me give you many real-case examples. My Chinese friend A went to the ATM at night to cash out some money, and was threatened if he did not give the money to the Bumiputera robber. My Chinese friend B, C, D house was robbed. My Chinese E was robbed when she was moving her car to her house.
You ask why not make report it? Well, let me tell you, who do you think the police officers are? They are Bumiputeras themselves. The police officers will only spit at the Chinese and tell the Chinese victims that they have no right no report because they are living in the land of the Bumiputeras, what more do they want? If you meet a 'nice' police officer, he will file the report, but that is about it. The robbers, thieves, rapers are allowed to do whatever they want because the police officers themselves are involved in such crimes! Now, even the animals owned by non-Bumiputeras are targets of religious hate crimes.
In 2006, while I was away from home, my parents told me on the phone that they are registering the family dogs because Municipals are making visits to Chinese house with dogs to check whether the animals are registered or not. Those who did not register their dogs will be taken away. If the owners did not recompensate, that will be the last time they see their dogs. Their dogs will end up like the dog on the photo above. For such reasons, my parents quickly registered the two family dogs and we trained them not to go out from the house to protect them.
So what is the Islamic position about dogs? In fact, there are a variety of opinions according to different legal schools. The majority consider the saliva of dogs to be impure, while the Maliki school makes a distinction between domestic and wild dogs, only considering the saliva of the latter to be impure. The question for Muslims observant of other schools of law is, what are the implications of such an impurity?
These Muslims should remember that there are many other impurities present in our homes, mostly in the form of human waste, blood, and other bodily fluids. It is fairly common for such impurities to come in contact with our clothes, and we simply wash them off or change our clothes for prayer. When you have children at home, it sometimes seems you can never get away from human waste. But we manage it, often by designating a special space and clothing kept clean for prayer.
Some Muslims object to having a dog in the home because of a prophetic report that angels do not enter a home with dogs in it. If a Muslim accepts this report as authentic, it still requires an analysis of context to determine its meaning and legal application. Ordinary people are not recipients of divine revelation through angelic messengers, so it is possible that this statement, although in general form, might suggest a rule for the Prophet's home, not all homes. This interpretation is strengthened by the fact the Qur'an states that angels are always present, protecting us and recording our good and bad actions.
Nevertheless, whatever the Qur'an says or sings, it is unforgivable to kill innocent dogs for religious reasons. There are so many ways to deal with the problem other than killing. There are no public discussions and then suddenly the killing occurred at large. All the laws are based on the conveniences of Bumiputeras, ignoring other ethnic groups. At the present time, animals are murdered on streets like circus performance, very soon, non-Bumiputeras will be next on the list of the circus performance.
*With this said, many Malaysian Chinese are migrating abroad*
Please do not stop sharing the video.
This is terrible! I can't stomach the thought of mindless killing of any animal, let alone making a spectacle of it to instill fear in the hearts of a "type" of person.
I wonder how people can justify using violence in the name of religion. I do not know as much about Muslim religion as I do Christianity, but there are countless examples in history of Christians exerting violence "in the name of religion" even though I do not believe that Christianity promotes violence (although I'm sure that could be a separate debate).
It is not fair that certain types of people are more protected from robbery, beatings or rape by the police than others. What is a crime against basic human rights to one type of person is a crime to another. It is amazing to me how many forms of inequality exist around the world.
I know. Poor poor innocent dogs. The Malaysian government slaughtered monkeys too you know. Idiotic barbaric Malaysian government!!!
I am just so angry at the government.
I didn't know about the monkeys, that is sad too! That is barbaric. Let's pretend that the issue was something a little more innocent such as too many stray dogs or monkeys (or any animal in that case). I would expect people to not execute these animals in this manner either.
I know this is unrelated, but on a lighter note I am mailing you a post card today!! I had received your last one and forgot to let you know I'd received it.
No problem about the postcard :) A surprise is always a nice invitation for a good day :)
Hi Sachiko,
What can we do to stop this?
It is always the extremists or the ones receiving handouts from the government making the most noise.
Kristen W
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