Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. Henry Thoreau
Apr 20, 2008
Made in Japan
The following is their conversation on the way to the airport .
A Toyota Camry overtook t he taxi.....zoom....
Jap: Look ...look ...Toyota!! ...very fast!!!.... made in Japan! good.... made in Malaysia .
Driver: yah....
After a few minutes a Nissan overtook the taxi....zoom.
Jap: look.... look.... Nissan!!!..... very good!! very fast! made in Japan! Proton.... no good.... made in Malaysia
Driver: yah....yah...
After a few minutes a Honda overtook the taxi...zooom. !
Jap: look.... look... Honda!!.... very GOOD!!....very fast!!....made
in Japan! good...made in Malaysia
Driver: yah...yah...yah....!
Arriving at the airport,the Jap is about to pay the taxi driver.
Jap: How much?
Driver: RM150/-
Jap: Oh... very expensive..... you overcharge ! !
Driver: Noooo .... look .... look .... Sony meter!!....very good!!....
very fast!.... Made in Japan!

It is difficult to ask people to donate their money for a good cause today, without receiving plentiful of rejections and curses on the face. As we all understand, unsolicited visits no matter how good the intentions are – are unwelcome. The foot in the door practice to ask people for money does not work anymore. People distrust “volunteers” who ask for money with the excuses that they are broke or they have donated. Besides, too many crooks are around spoiling the good-intentions of the volunteers. However, what if we substitute “money” with “blood”, will it result the same rejections as asking people to donate money?
Apr 16, 2008
Guest Check
I am attracted to the image on my left for several reasons. At first glance, the image above looks pretty ordinary. A receipt from a restaurant as there are words, ‘Server’, ‘Table’, and ‘Guests’ printed on the paper. If you are into 4D Magnum gambling, you can play around with the numbers – 755774 and try your luck by submitting only 4 digits and hope that you will be the next millionaire.
I was once suicidal and I am glad that someone listened to me.
Apr 14, 2008
Dogs, Without Homes

If you hang around a little more, walk down two streets, behind my house, near the bridge, you will see a lot of stray dogs, all looking unpleasantly dirty, contaminated with infecting germs, having unattractive thinness that beats Gucci models, and crestfallen eyes. They are supposed to be man’s best friend, but for hundreds of thousands of dogs in
These sights always bring tears to my eyes and I will always try my best to divert my eyes to other more pleasant things. However, their existence has forced me to rethink about the root of their problem. At the end of the day, I realized that the biggest problem lay not on the dogs, but the owners – the Man and the Woman.
Without further acknowledging the options for the dog, both the Man and the Woman will abandon their dogs when they realize that the dog (or other animals) gets to expensive to be taken care of, in terms of medication, food and etc. Secondly, when they do abandon the dogs to the streets, the Man and the Woman do not sterilize the dog, subsequently allowing the dog to breed, leaving the society with out-of-control dog population. Thirdly, due to the carelessness of the Man and Woman, their dog escaped from their sight, and never return to them, thus, increasing the dog’s chances of contributing to the out-of-control dog population. I guess the man and the woman did not realize that leaving the dog to fend for itself, is a very selfish choice. The dog will be scared, lonely and in a poor state of health. What were the Man and Women thinking?
Stray dogs are not the only problem around my area. It is a big problem in every urban city. If you are an animal lover and have a sense for justice, your heart will be aching when you realize that how many stray dogs (and other animals) are being caged for the Olympics preparation in
We, the human beings always boast of our intelligence, beating the dolphins and chimpanzees. However, when it comes to cruelty, none of the mammals beat our initiatives of being vicious, sadistic, merciless, brutal and barbarous. Seriously, there is nothing to be boast about.
Apr 12, 2008
Rejected Matter: Trash and Litter
A ‘dirty’ experience is an eye-sore. What if you have psyched yourself for the whole week to swim next to the corals at the famous
A kid who was riding with parents in a Mercedes will again unwind the car window to throw out the empty Macdonald wrapper. If you were there, you seriously can see how horrified I was at the particular moment. It left me wondering in stupefaction - People of all ages, sizes, and social and religion background litter.
When I saw them littering, I really want to step out from my car and ask them, “What if I start littering in your bedroom or your house, how would you feel?” “What on earth were you thinking when you flung your empty
Obviously, the answer is no.
Save my breath and anger, I thought. It is senseless to even communicate with people like them.
Litter is a big problem. Many people are totally unaware they contribute to this problem because they have many misconceptions about littering.
Myths: For smokers, they probably carry this thought that, “Throwing butts does not harm anything, besides everyone does it”.
Facts: Cigarettes contain poisonous chemicals harmful to animals and environment. They contribute to several thousand fires each year, and take up to 5 years to degrade.
Myths: For people, who toss fruits, they probably carry this thought that, “It is okay to toss fruit, they are biodegradable”.
Facts: Thousands of animals are injured or killed trying to get food littered on highways. Fruit takes 2 years to biodegrade.
Myths: For narrow-minded people, they probably carry this thought that, “Littering creates jobs”.
Facts: Litter cost money. Cleaning up litter costs about 9times more than it costs to collect trash from public and private trash receptacles.
Myths: For lacking of flexibility or breadth of view people, they probably carry this thought that, “One small wrapper won’t matter. It’s so small, who will notice?”
Facts: Litter begets litter. Litter leads to lower property values and crime. If no one picks up the wrapper, it will take 30 years to degrade.
Where do you see litter most often on top of your mind?
Pasar malam. Special event venues. Roadways and highways. High traffic and everyday locations and transition points.
Again, why do people litter? Why do we, the human race have fatally inherited this offensive littering behavior?
(1) People today lack the knowledge of how to care for the environment.
(2) People are inclined to litter more because litter has already accumulated.
(3) People lack the social pressure to not litter.
(4) People are inspired to litter more due to the absence of penalties or consistent enforcement.
(5) People find limited disposal containers
(6) People often feel no sense of pride in the areas they are littering.
(7) People do not view the item they are littering as litter.
Litter is ugly. It reduces the aesthetic quality of our surroundings and it can also harm wildlife and us. Please stop littering and share this with people around you. All it takes to stop littering is a little discipline and awareness for the environment and mankind.
Apr 8, 2008
Love, Passion, Orgasms - Sexual Practices
Even educated fleas do it
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love
Couch potatoes might say that the ABC approach has been implemented and was unsuccessful. I argue it’s not true, because the campaign probably did not consistently advocate this approach properly. Honest, comprehensive sex education has not been
Apr 3, 2008
My first step
Additionally, I will also dedicate my blogging to analyzing the role of mass media and freedom of speech around the world. I know a lot of scholars have already researched million times on the role of mass media. Still, I believe that opinions are valuable albeit from a commoner like me.
If I come upon queer news or interesting stories from books and the mass media, I will also make an effort to write it down in order to share it with audiences. In regards of the audience, I hope I am able to build a steady readership.
Lastly but not least, I am excited and hopefully, I will be able to blog in Japanese in future.