Sep 26, 2013

Atrocious Affairs in Malaysia: Malaysian Dogs Do Not Deserved To Be Killed

I found a very disturbing article about Malaysian Muslim Municipal killing dogs in September 2013 on Facebook this morning. It might be unfair for me to judge the whole situation as I have been out of the country for more than 10 years. But being a Malaysian myself who knows the ins and outs of how corrupted and racists the government is and updates from my friends and parents keeps me aware of what is happening to the animals and people in my country. With this said, the photo tells you all. The Municipal in most cities are brutally slashing, dragging stray dogs in the streets like a performance to warn the Chinese to be careful of their actions. If the Chinese go overboard, they will end up like the dogs.

I could only watch in despair as this poor dog is another victim for the religious persecution. For those who are unaware of  what is going on in Malaysia. Let me briefly fill you up. There is a big problem with racism in Malaysia, which is not know to worldwide. Islam practioners (basically ethnic Malays) gain Bumiputera status (cheaper housing loans, lower interest rates, easier academic access and so on), whereas non Islam practioners gain nothing. In other words, the economic policies are designed to favor the Bumiputeras. This status is further streghten by the affirmative action (A provision that provides economic and social advantages) implemented in the 1970s after the Chinese ethnic protested against the Bumiputeras in 1969.

Fastforward 40years and you get what you see on the photo.

On a daily basis, especially when you are a non-Bumiputera, you need to be really aware of your belongings and surroundings. Let me give you many real-case examples. My Chinese friend A went to the ATM at night to cash out some money, and was threatened if he did not give the money to the Bumiputera robber. My Chinese friend B, C, D house was robbed. My Chinese E was robbed when she was moving her car to her house.

You ask why not make report it? Well, let me tell you, who do you think the police officers are? They are Bumiputeras themselves. The police officers will only spit at the Chinese and tell the Chinese victims that they have no right no report because they are living in the land of the Bumiputeras, what more do they want? If you meet a 'nice' police officer, he will file the report, but that is about it. The robbers, thieves, rapers are allowed to do whatever they want because the police officers themselves are involved in such crimes! Now, even the animals owned by non-Bumiputeras are targets of religious hate crimes.

In 2006, while I was away from home, my parents told me on the phone that they are registering the family dogs because Municipals are making visits to Chinese house with dogs to check whether the animals are registered or not. Those who did not register their dogs will be taken away. If the owners did not recompensate, that will be the last time they see their dogs. Their dogs will end up like the dog on the photo above. For such reasons, my parents quickly registered the two family dogs and we trained them not to go out from the house to protect them.

So what is the Islamic position about dogs? In fact, there are a variety of opinions according to different legal schools. The majority consider the saliva of dogs to be impure, while the Maliki school makes a distinction between domestic and wild dogs, only considering the saliva of the latter to be impure. The question for Muslims observant of other schools of law is, what are the implications of such an impurity?

These Muslims should remember that there are many other impurities present in our homes, mostly in the form of human waste, blood, and other bodily fluids. It is fairly common for such impurities to come in contact with our clothes, and we simply wash them off or change our clothes for prayer. When you have children at home, it sometimes seems you can never get away from human waste. But we manage it, often by designating a special space and clothing kept clean for prayer.

Some Muslims object to having a dog in the home because of a prophetic report that angels do not enter a home with dogs in it. If a Muslim accepts this report as authentic, it still requires an analysis of context to determine its meaning and legal application. Ordinary people are not recipients of divine revelation through angelic messengers, so it is possible that this statement, although in general form, might suggest a rule for the Prophet's home, not all homes. This interpretation is strengthened by the fact the Qur'an states that angels are always present, protecting us and recording our good and bad actions.

Nevertheless, whatever the Qur'an says or sings, it is unforgivable to kill innocent dogs for religious reasons. There are so many ways to deal with the problem other than killing. There are no public discussions and then suddenly the killing occurred at large. All the laws are based on the conveniences of Bumiputeras, ignoring other ethnic groups. At the present time, animals are murdered on streets like circus performance, very soon, non-Bumiputeras will be next on the list of the circus performance.

*With this said, many Malaysian Chinese are migrating abroad*

Please do not stop sharing the video.

Sep 20, 2013

First State, Infertility Treatment: Consultation with Gynaecologist; A Debate of Pro Life or Pro Choice

This Thursday was another visit to the gyanecologist. Doctor Sakakibara. No inspection this time. Last month's visit was with a different gynae but I am sure after reading the written notes, Dr. Sakakibara knew what was going on. The previous gynae told me to mate during the very few but precious days of ovulation. Yet, we failed because my dear husband was just too tired.

By observing my husband's weekly schedule, he had the time to sleep earlier because he worked morning shifts. However, he did not make the effort to take care of his physical health properly by sleeping late. Therefore, with a tired soul how could one possible mate? It would be unjust to inform him last minute so I informed him a month ago. So you tell me, how could I not be disappointed with an uttering ignorant husband?

I had to share my discontentment with Dr.Sakakibara. He was not pleased after my explanation. He stressed that it won't mean anything if only one partner is trying while the other slacks off. I told him don't put the blame on me. With this said, he told me to bring my husband with me for the next appointment.

He also suggested rather than delaying the process, it is better to look into In Vitro Fertilization(IVF). Briefly, the cost is 3000usd. You will get 50% refund back.Without further elucidation, we decided that before making any decision, first we need to have a heart-to-heart chat between the three of us, including my husband.

Honestly, I do not know much of IVF. Simply said, IVF is mating through test-tube. After researching this topic, I found out that this topic has been a subject of moral controversy. Firstly, let me explain to myself and to you about what IVF is. In Vitro Fertilization is also called test-tube conception, a medical procedure in which mature egg cells are removed from a woman to fertilize with male sperm outside the body. Then reinserted back into the uterus of the same or another woman for normal gestation. By just reading at the explanation, I see that nothing is wrong and why should it be a controversial issue? Little did I know this is a hot-button issue.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages:

Helping Infertile Couples

IVF according to many infertility experts are recommended when there is no longer an option. IVF is also another step that would make infertile patient less depressing by giving them a few percent of ultimate hope.In short, IVF is the only way to allow infertile couples to have their own children.

Preventing Birth Defects

Another scientific argument is that by studying fertilization and early embryonic development outside the womb, scientists might learn more about how to prevent certain birth defects.

Creating Sick or Malformed Babies

For IVF adversaries, there are a number of reasons not to support IVF. The chief reason is no one knew if science would actually work perfectly. There is no warranty that IVF will guarantee a healthy baby. Yes, there are plentiful of successful cases and we praised science and technology! Nevertheless, there are also failed cases where deformed babies rife with terminal illnesses are born. Some couples plan for abortions or blame the doctors. Some decided to go on and give birth to the sick babies. According to many research, IVF babies are prone to holes in their hearts, development of only one kidney, brain abnormalities, risk of cancer and the list goes on. This when the adversaries question the morale values of IVF.

Destroying Social Structures

Accompanying the concern that IVF would not work were fears that it might work too well. Another group of critics warned that it would lead to the end of nuclear family, where sexual intercourse and couple bonding is replaced with laboratory breeding. Conservatives feared the creation of non-traditional families. Feminists worry that with new technology which is supposed to help women are actually pressurizing women.

Religious Views

Another opposition comes from the religious groups often referring to bibles and the words of Gods. Basically, religious groups and leaders, like Pope(s) are condemning the use of technology by scientists, arguing that "Working against nature and taking Lord's work into their own hands" just won't be fruitful and godly.

I have mixed feelings after reading all the articles about IVF. I have heard of the term "Frankenbabies" before but did not know that it relate to test-tube babies. This term is refer to the first few tes-tube babies, Louise Brown and Elizabeth Carr. There were fears of "Frakenbabies" at first but began to disappear. Subsequently, test-tube babies were not shunned, and far from destroying the traditional family. Then again, there are so many women who abort their babies after finding out that their babies will suffer from certain illness.(You could just google about IVF and abortion and depending on the country, the abortion rates are pretty high)

In the words of biologist Lee Silver, "Here's a technology (IVF) which is almost always used to allow a married man and woman to have a child, to form family...So IVD facilitates a very, very traditional outcome, which is mother and a father and children."

In another words of author Robin Marantz Henig,"How people get used to all sorts of new first it seems like it is abhorrent and it is something that we should not do. And then for a while it seems kind of miraculous...And then after a while, the technology just become part of the fabric of daily life."

I could not help but only nod my head and agree heartily with Brooke Shields words, "The difficulty of IVF or of any fertility issues is the hope and the shattered hope, the dream that it might happen this time and then it doesn't happen.

I will update more on this discussion when all three of us have a heart-to-heart talk. 

Sep 17, 2013

Sneak Peak of Japan: The Goodness of Fermented Food

When you mentioned about fermented food, what pops in your mind? Since I am in Japan, Asia I could give you a few examples: Miso, natto, fermented garlic, yoghurt, wine etc. To a Korean, fermented food will means kimchi, the national delicacy. Hot and spicy dish made from fermented Chinese cabbage. To a Chinese, what comes to mind is the famous century eggs. Known as 100 years old preserved egg. To a westerner, pickles, cheese and wine. You get the idea. Now, what does fermented actually means?

The word  "Fermentation" is derived from Latin meaning "to boil". In scientific explanation, fermentation is a chemical transformation of organic substances into simpler compounds by the action of enzymes. Bascially, it means that something, usually food goes through a chemical change that results from the production of alcohol, molds or yeasts. The enzymes plays a very vital role in breaking down comples organic molecules to smaller molecules(hydrolysis). This hydrolysis allows the breakdown food to assimilate into the body. One example is, fermenting carbohydrates. Enzyme works on the carbohydrates to reduce the starches and complex sugars to simple sugars. In short, fermentation makes the end product more digestible and absordable for our bodies.

'So what?!' you may ask after the mumbo jumbo explanation? Well, there are 8 reasons why fermented foods are good for you and I. Let me explain in bullet points:

(1) Fermented foods improve digestion

Since 70% of the body's immune system dwells in the digestive tract, maintaining digestive health is crucial to the body's overall well-being. However, not all people are blessed with strong immune systems. Some people cannot tolerate milk but they can eat yoghurt. This is because the lactose in milk is broken down when the milk is fermented into yoghurt.

(2) Fermented foods restore the proper balance of bacteria in the gut

Do you suffer from lactose intolerance? Gluten intolerance? Constipation? Irritable bowel syndrome? Yeast infections? Allergies? Asthma? All of these conditions have been linked to a lack of good bacteria in the gut. So, starting consuming fermented food to restore your health back.

(3) Raw, fermented foods are rich in enzymes

As we age, our body's supply of enzymes decrease. Many scientists have hypothesize that if you could guard against enzyme depletion, you could live a longer and healthier life. Now, I know why some says a glass of wine if good for you daily but drinking too much can be disastrous :)

(4) Fermenting food actually increases the vitamin content

Fermented dairy products consistenly reveal high folic acid level, vitamin Bs, pyroxidine, riboflavin and biotin which is critical in producing healthy babies. Japanese health programs also stress this alot.

(5) Eating fermented food helps us to absorb the nutrients we are consuming

The law of digestion explains that you can ingest huge amounts of nutriets, but unless you absorb them, they are unless to you. When you improve digestion, you improve absorption.(Back to 1 and 2)

(6) Fermenting food helps to preserve it for longer periods of time

Milk will go bad in the fridge but yoghurt last a lot longer. If you have a huge produce in your garden, that you don't know how to use up - go ferment it.

(7) Fermenting food is inexpensive

There are tons of fermented food recipes on the internet and cookbooks that benefit you and your purse. Eat healthy! Start making your own fermented cabbage dish.

(8) Fermenting foodi ncreases the flavour

There’s a reason humans enjoy drinking wine and eating stinky cheese. There’s a reason we like sauerkraut on our hot dogs and salsa on our tortilla chips. It tastes good!

Next, my question is whether everyone consumes the real fermented food I mentioned above? Speaking in terms from living in America perspective, the standard American Diet is definitely missing fermented food - unless you count those cheap beer and wine and not forgetting those deceptive pickles and imitated sauerkraut. According to my research online(maybe it might not be entirely truthful but still worth pondering about), these food are unfortunately produced quickly for mass consumption. Most sauerkraut you buy in the store is flaccid and mealy, rather than crunchy and tangy as it should be. In order words, the food industries have been deceiving the consumers by preserving those mass produced food in salt and vinegar instead of traditional lactobacterial fermentation process. Unless, the producer adds bacteria, store bought sauerkraut is usually pasteurized and the worse part, lacks of nutrients.

 In contrast to the standard Japanese and Korean diet, these people consume natto(fermented soy) and kimchi(fermented cabbage) almost daily. This summer, due to the heat wave, I hardly made miso (fermented barley or rice) soup. However, I substitute what I lack of with natto. I can say that natto is Japanese breakfast staple. Not all but some foreigners avoid eating natto due to its smell and gluey texture, even some Japanese dodge the malodorous natto. It is actually not that bad when you get used to it. I try to consume natto once a day as it is rich with vitamins and health-enhancing. Koreans I know consume kimchi in every meal.

I have no knowledge of fermentated food until I came to Japan. I first learned about the importance of consuming fermentation food through my Japanese family and food programs on TV. As I am not a science geek or a food sommelier I really do not know much about the goodness of food except for tasty junk food, seriously. Married life had made me a better and wiser food eater(as I stressed previously on my blog). Fermented food often have numerous advantages over raw food from which they are made of. The media is always talking about eating good, eating healthy but what does it really mean if you dig deeper into the meaning of eating healthy? This is the article for you!

Start dining fermented food!

*I actually bought my very first organic fermented garlic at the supermarket yesterday and inspired me to research and write about the benefits of fermented food to our body*

Sep 12, 2013

Where Were You?

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, then Pentagon and then one hijacked flight that crashed in Pennsylvania.  One of the questions frequently asked after the event happened and also the first couple anniversaries of the attacks was, "Where were you when the twin towers fell?"  Today's post will be my reflection on that day.

It seemed like a normal school day.  I was in 11th grade (one year before high school graduation).  It was mid-morning when someone from the school office came to our classroom (of about 20-25 students) and said, "You'd better turn on the television for the news."  The teacher immediately turned on the classroom's television, which was programmed to only have the news channel (to prevent inappropriate channels from being seen).  I think at that time one plan was in the 1st WTC building.  I can't remember if both planes had crashed.  We were all pretty quiet in the classroom as we watched the news coverage of the event, which at this point was still filled with confusion as to who was responsible and why it happened, but when the second plane flew into the buildings it was probably beginning to be apparent that this was an act of terrorism.  We had occasional outbursts like, "Why would someone do this?" and "How could we not know about this soon enough to prevent?"

Eventually, we saw the buildings collapse.  I remember watching in horror and murmuring, "We just witnessed hundreds of people dying."  It was a sickening feeling.  The saddest thing was hearing about people jumping from the burning buildings to their death several stories below.  And to think that from the time the plane was hijacked to the time the plan crashed those people were terrified the whole time.

That night, my parents made it a point to have a meal as a family around the dinner table.  Once my dad had taken a job out of town we often didn't eat all 5 of us together, it would be that my brother, sister and I would eat around 5 pm and then my dad and mom would eat together when he got home around 6 pm.  But that night we all ate together at 6 pm so that we could talk about what had happened.  My sister would have been in 8th grade and my brother in 6th.

Throughout the next few days the death tolls grew.  Not just for those who perished in the planes or the buildings that collapsed, but for the firefighters, medics, police, etc. who perished in trying to save people.

Fortunately, I did not lose anyone in the terrorist attacks.  But that doesn't mean that I was without grief.  I was scared, angry and confused as to why someone could hate so much that they would kill so many.  I remember being terrified for months afterward whenever I heard a plane flying overhead.  I told myself I would never fly on a plane (which I have several times since then and have enjoyed every flight).  I remember being disgusted when hearing about store owners in America not allowing people who are or look of Middle Eastern descent into their stores because they "must be" terrorists, since I believe that you can't base an entire culture based on a sub-groups choices for violence.

I saw on the 60 Minutes program a news segment about a museum they are building right on Ground Zero to commemorate those who lost their lives.  It looks like it will be so beautiful.  I wish I could go to see it but cannot afford to travel much.

So that is where I was at on 9/11.  And today I sit, 12 years older, and think about what that event has meant to me and meant to this country.  And I pray for those still grieving and for a more peaceful world.

Sep 10, 2013

Tokyo to host 2020 Olympics!

September 8th 2013 is a big day for everyone, including me. Today the IOC will make the announcement that only one country will receive the privilege to host the 2020 Olympics games. I only woke up to watch the announcement at 5am because I needed the sleep as I was going to attend my friend's wedding in the morning. Can't look sleepy for someone's wedding.

The television showed Madrid and Istanbul at tie. During this time, at about 5:05am, I thought Japan was already eliminated but thank goodness a few minutes later, I was informed that Madrid was eliminated in the first round. This preliminary process actually shocked the Tokyo team too because they, like me thought Tokyo had already been eliminated. Good thing, we were wrong. At about 5:20am, the IOC President Jacques Rogge announced that Japan will host the 2020 Olympics Games. 

Still cannot believe my ears and eyes that Japan beat rival candidate cities Istanbul and Madrid to host the Olympics for the second time. In 1940, there was plans for Tokyo to host the games but was never took place because of World War Two. The first Tokyo Olympics was held in 1964. The ongoing radiation leaks at Fukushima prefecture nuclear power station was the biggest reason why Tokyo will not win the bid. However, with lady luck at out side, the IOC decided that Tokyo is the best candidate city because of Tokyo's compact setting and safe atmosphere.

Tokyo will hold 85% of the venues with the Olympic Village. During the early presentations, the Tokyo committee, presented a survey made by 75,000 travelers informing the IOC members that Japan's capital is the world's safest city. Tokyo also boasted having clean roads(which is very true) and beautiful skylines. Another very important point is that Japan's taxi drivers are also friendly and honest(which is very true too) One should compare a Japanese and Malaysian taxi-driver. The contrast is like heaven and hell. Japanese drivers are well-bred and Malaysian ones are just money-minded(another long story on why Malaysian drivers become what they are today) Anyway, just encountering good and helpful taxi-drivers are enough to make your day delightful. With this said visitors are given an assurance that they won't meet any unhelpful taxi-drivers during their visit to Tokyo or anywhere else in Japan.

Tokyo committee member also mentioned that another attractive transformation is Tokyo will use this Olympic host privilege as the frontier to revamp the city to a new sports and entertainment district. Competition will be staged in historic venues dating from the 1964 Games, modernized and refurbished to extend their legacy for at least another 50 years. Those polished and new facilities are actually what the city needed too.

"This is a chance for Japan to show the rest of the world that has suffered from natural to reconstrust not just devastated areas like Tohoku area but also society as a whole through sports,"stress the Tokyo committee. I cannot agree more with the member's words. Hope seems to fill the city energizing everyone. Now, the problem is the tickets!!! I am going to make sure I get the tickets to watch the opening ceremony. I need to start saving now.(LOL)

Again, congratulations to Tokyo. The Tokyo team surely put their best effort and win the bid fairly. Click to watch the presentation video here.

Sep 7, 2013


I've been hearing a statistic lately regarding how much edible food is wasted in America.  If you had asked me before hearing the number how much edible food is wasted, I would have thought 20%.  The actual number is 40%!  So almost half of edible food in this country is thrown out when it is still safe to eat.

Here is a link to a very informative article - it is an interview for NPR (National Public Radio) with two experts on the subject.  It is  In the article they also talk about how this wasted food also means wasted water.  That made me think more about the issue.  I try to conserve water by turning off the water while I wash my face, shave my legs, etc. so that clean water is not wasted while I am not directly using it.  I try to make sure I finish my morning glass of water before heading out the door so I don't waste it.  When there are so many places in the world struggling for clean and sanitary sources of water, I try to not take clean water for granted.  So when food is wasted, the water used to grow the crops or feed the animals that make our food is used in vain.  I never really thought of water being wasted when I throw out food, so this will make me think twice.

When I heard this, I looked critically at my own habits to see how I stacked up against this statistic.  How much food do I waste?  How could I improve?  Below are some things I am thinking about.

1.  Cooking for two (or one) is difficult.
There are only 2 people in my household.  Yet the packaging sizes for ingredients are often fore more than 2 servings.  So often times the meal ends up being a meal for 4 or 5 people because in the stores we shop there are not smaller sizes of things.  Some leftovers get eaten and no food is wasted; other times I do not want that item after it has been in the fridge so it will be wasted.  Or, sometimes I won't eat leftovers because I am trying to lose weight, and this means having controlled, small lunches at work.  Leftovers would be counterproductive to weight loss.  So what can I do to minimize waste?

I could first off try not to be so picky and eat leftovers.  Or try to see if we cook dinners that often have leftovers on a Friday or Saturday night so that I can eat the leftovers over the weekend, where I'm not as stringent on my diet.  I could also see if there are smaller package sizes for foods or ingredients.  I think the hardest thing of all will be to convince my husband (who is the better cook of the family whereas I'm the better baker of desserts and sweets) that food will taste just as good using less meat than more meat.  :)  Another option is to look for recipes that make smaller dinners - so dinners for two and not the whole family.

2.  Sometimes I buy things I don't eat.
Sometimes I buy canned fruit or veggies with every intention of introducing them into a healthy diet, only to find I've forgotten about them or ended up never making the recipe I bought them for.  So they sit on the shelf and expire.  I've gotten much better at not doing this at the insistence of my husband, but I still think it would be a good habit to go through cupboards once a month or so and find things soon to expire and use them up somehow so they're not thrown out.

3.  I'm afraid of "expiration" dates.
According to the article, foods can be safe to eat even after their expiry date.  There are only a few things I'll consume once it's past the due date, and those are milk (if it is not sour once opened) and soft drinks.  Tea and spices are other things because I'm not sure that anything can spoil in them.  Otherwise, I am leery to eat things past the date because I am afraid of harmful bacteria inside the unopened can or jar.  My fears may be a little out of proportion, so I will need to try to overcome the fear and learn about how to tell if expired foods could be harmful once I open them.  Some things I will not consume after expired dates are processed meat, as I have read that these meats can carry Listeria bacteria and I feel that going past the date increases the chances of contracting it.

So those are three areas I can be working on.  In the meantime, I will hope that locally there will be ways to recycle unused food, such as composting or recycling food for methane energy.  Unfortunately, one of the negative things about living in a rural area is there are fewer programs in the area to encourage new ways of recycling (but thankfully I can at least recycle aluminum, paper and plastic).

Sep 4, 2013

Eyes Wide Shut, world watches Syria bleeds

I have been watching the international news on TV and sort of following what is happening in Syria. It comes as no surprise that like anyone I am saddened by what is happening in Syria. But I am also baffled and confused with all the happenings in Syria.

I know there is a civil war going on. But when did it started? The civil war did not start yesterday. It is very unfortunate that the civil war finally made it to the TV coverage until the Syrians were being tossed with chemicals. The next question is how come suddenly the world is interested and certain countries wanted to join forces with whatever parties in Syria to stop the on-going war. The third queston is can I say that religion plays a part in this civil war? Which devilish countries are delivering the weapons to the Syrians in exchange for huge sums of money?

I believe not all of us are sure of what is happening in Syria. Whatmore, unless you are an expert in the Middle East affairs, you probably won't know where is Syria located too. According to many articles I have read what is happening in Syria is really important, but it an also be confusing and difficult to follow even for the experts. Nevertheless, I am going to try my best to 'grasp' what is happening in Syria.

(Q1) What is Syria?

The official name for this country is Syrian Arab Republic. Syria is actually an English name for this country. The Arabic name for this country is Al-Sham. Syria is located in the Middle East, along the shore of Mediterranean Sea. Briefly, it is about the same size as Washington state. It borders Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. A country of fertile plains, high mountains and deserts, it is also home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including Kurds, Armenians,Assyrians, Turks, Christians, Druze, Alawite, Shias and Arab Sunnis. The latter(Sunnis) make up the majority of the population. Civilizations in Syria goes back thousands of years, but the country as it exists today is very young. Like the African continent, Syria's borders were drawn by Europrean colonial powers in the 1920s.

(Q2) Why are the Syrians killing each other?

The killing started in April 2011 in Deraa. 15 schoolchildren were arrested and reportedly tortured for writing anti-government graffiti on a wall. The protests for the children's release were peaceful. All the Syrians wanted are democrary and greater freedom for the people. Regrettably, the government responded angrily, and on March 18th, the army opened fire on protesters killing four people.Firstly, the government's security forces quietly killed the activists, then started kidnapping, raping, torturing activists's family members.

Inconsolable, the activists turned into armed civilians organized into rebel groups. I do not blame the peaceful activists turned armed civilians for using guns, after all who won't be angry, furious and mad at the government for killing their citizens, especially a lot of innocent children and then dumping the dead mutilated bodies to the sides of the roads. And all hell broke loose.This incident shocked and angered the people, like a chain reaction, the infuriation spread like wild fire to other parts of the country. Army deployed across the country, terrorizing people into submission. Then volunteers from other countries joined the rebels, either because they wanted freedom and democracy for Syria or, more likely, because they are jihadists who hate Syria's secular government.

 (Q3) Who governs Syria?

In order to know why civil war is occuring in Syria, it is essential to understand who governs Syria. I did a few hours of research and reading on the internet and going to try my best to sum up what I gained from. There are many key players in the government.
The dictatorship started during President Hafez al-Assad's regime. He is an Alawites and being the leader of the socialist Ba'ath party, seized power in 1963. He had 5 children with Anisa al-Assad. According to many articles, senior Assad is a ruthless and shrewd politician, always analyzing the situation and knowledgeable about international affairs, in contrast to the current President Bashar al-Assad(the third son). Senior Assad had built his his facade of power through his alliances with the seniors aides he trusted, whereas Bashar cut off ties with the seniors and strengthen his political ties among the inner circle of the family.
Bashar would not have been the President if Bassel al-Assad, the oldest brother did not get himself involved in a car accident and died in 1994. Bassel was sporty, charismatic and popular among the political group. Maybe because Bashar is a shy and soft-spoken, he has always looked up to Bassel.
Bashar was recalled from London, as Senior Assad did not have much time left to rule the regime. Senior Assad made sure that Bashar, a  ophthalmologist, underwent a crash course in military and political courses. With the help of professional imager makers, the bashful Bashar was transformed into a nice guy with an elegant wife and succeeded the presidency in July 2000, with the help of General Bahjat Suleiman, a trusted Senior Assad, right hand in the regime. Notwithstanding, he also inherited Bassel's friends and the Syrian Computer Society.
The Syrian Computer Society acts as Syria's domain registration authority and has been reported to be closely associated with the Syrian state. Here Bashar's monitors everything that is flying across the Syrian internet.
In 1996, Bashar spoke openly about Syria's bureaucratic corruption and recommended new clean key players to the government. Political prisoners were released and more freedom of speech is introduced to the society. All the fabricated actions was known as Damascus Spring( Damascus is the capital city of Syria)
In 2002, when the press asked him why nothing has changed in Syria, he did not respond.
Next are the very main important evil characters in the political structure.
  1. Atif Najib, a maternal Assad cousin and head of Security Directorate who allowed the firing in April 2011.
  2. Rami Makhlouf, another wealthy Assad cousin who owns the telecommunications, gas, oil, banking, airlines, retails and schools of Syria. Many articles pointed out that no foreign companies can do business in the country without his consent and partnership.
  3. Maher al-Assad, the youngest son and more military minded that Bashar. When Bashar assumed power in 2000, he immediately installed Maher as chief of security.  
  4. Lastly but not least, Assef Shawkat, brother in law of Bashar is apparently the real brain of the regime. He married Bushra al-Saad, the second child of the al-Saad family. His family relationship, coupled with his role as head of military intelligence, made him the second most powerful man in Syria and – until his assassination – probably the most widely feared.


I am glad I started digging information online to understand what is happening in Syria. Now with the information I have, I have a better clearer picture in my head on what is going on. The only part I did not cover is the Syria neighbouring enemies. Now another question is whether foreign countries should interfere with the civil war or not.

*Please forgive me if there are mistakes and misinformed writings; Please correct me*


Sep 2, 2013

From Farm to Fork: Our Toxic Food System

                                         Courtesy of by Neil Spencer

Before I became a housewife, I seriously do not care much about nutrients and food. As long as it is affordable and feeds my stomach, the food is fine with me. Getting married and having to have to cook for my husband, I was forced to learn about how food influences our health. Since, I will be cooking, I realized I need to know the names of vegetables, meat and other food products. Blessed with a health-freak mother, and health-concern mother-in-law, I started learning about the importance of why knowing what we put inside our mouth is crucial. One things leads to another, and before I know it, my knowledge on vegetables and meat started to improve. With the information I have, during grocery shopping, I started to nose around those vegetables packages, questioning the truth behind the package.

Ministry of  Agriculture Japan is probably best known for their strict restrictions on corporate farming. Corporate farming is a large-scale agricultural operation that is overseen by a company. And when a company comes into the picture, it means business. And when it means business, it means profits.The cheapest and quickest way to gain agricultural profits are achieved by injecting growth hormones to the fruits, vegetables, and animals. I have looked on several websites and Japan TV news coverage and are convinced that Japan does not support corporate farming. However, not all countries are as strict as Japan when it comes to agricultural business, especially America. Here are some spine-chilling facts every Americans should know(Science News) in bullet points:
  1.  80 percent of all US feedlot cattle are injected with hormones.( In 1993, the FDA approved recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), a synthetic cow hormone that spurs milk production)
  2. A study of cows treated with melengestrol acetate (one of the artificial growth hormones approved for use in the US) revealed that residues of this hormone were traceable in soil up to 195 days after being administered to the animals.  
  3. While the average dairy cow produced almost 5,300 pounds of milk a year in 1950,  today, the average is more than 20,000 pounds.
Fruits, vegetables and poultries are supposed to be our friends, not out enemies.The Food and Drug Administration should hold responsibilities for the American consumers health and concern, not treat agricultural business to their own advantages. The vicious cycle will only continue to kill consumers until the rBGH law is banned. After reading this post, hopefully, one will be more aware and wise in choosing what to put inside their mouth. Remember making an effort to question where and how the food is comes from will save your life.

Trying New Things

I guess I'm like any other person where I have my ups and downs.  I go through periods where I just live day in and day out only wanting to give bare minimum of effort in work, church, or whatever.  And then there are other times where I find something new that captivates my attention and gives me something to look forward to doing in my spare time.  Last year my "new thing" was sewing.  Almost 10 years ago my parents purchased for me an inexpensive but usable sewing machine and my mom taught me a few basics to sewing.  It does not come naturally for me.  I am not patient by nature, and I want to rush through my sewing projects so that I will have a new skirt for work or new gift to give someone.  That is when I make mistakes and have to tear out the machine stitches, rearrange the fabrics, and try again.  I have been able to make two small quilts last year (one for Phil and one for his older brother who makes crafts for me, too).  Right now I'm working on a tote bag that allows me to use up extra pieces of batting (the cotton material that is sewn in between the top and bottom layers of a quilt) so that I don't waste it.  The bag will be soft and can carry books, clothes or whatever.  I've made mistakes on that too but I hope to try to work on it a little today before heading over to my father-in-laws house for Labor Day weekend cookout.  Last few weeks I made a costume for a murder mystery costume party at our family reunion.  It turned out OK but several mistakes and frustrated comments made to my sewing machine (and me, the sewer!).  So all I can do is keep trying and learning from a few friends who either sew for a living or have sewn their whole life.

My newest "new" thing is belly dancing.  It is so funny for me to say it or type it out because where I live, most people do not belly dance.  To people here, belly dance can be perceived as an outdated and middle-eastern only art form that is only meant to be sensual.  We have belly dancing performance troupes in MI.  There used to be one about 45 minutes from where I live and they would perform locally at community events in my hometown.  I saw a second troupe fro about an hour south from where I live who performed this summer at a fundraising event I was at and at the end of the performance they allowed anybody who wanted to learn come and dance the last song while they gave instructions.  I went up and danced, as I'd learned a little bit from a belly dance instructional workout DVD I had tried a few times at home.  I didn't do too bad, and that encouraged me to pick up the DVD again and pay close attention to the art of dancing.

I am not a graceful person.  I am terrible at team sports which is why I'm picked almost last during wiffle ball games at my in-laws.  I'm not naturally a good dancer which is why I don't dance outside the privacy of my bedroom where I workout.  But in this case, I didn't care whether I was not good.  I wanted to find a fun new way to try to lose extra pounds that shouldn't be there and to appreciate an art form from a different culture.  Many of the moves on my DVD lean more toward Egyptian style moves, but I know there are Lebanese style dancing and African style dancing too.  YouTube has free instructional videos, I especially like the ones from Tiazza Rose who makes online videos to instruct you to dance for fitness or to dance to make your own dance routines for performing.  So even though I'm not all that great at it, it gives me something new to learn about.

I would like to try the art with washi paper.  I may try it and not be very good at it, but at least I would have tried it and may find I love the art of doing something new to me, even if I don't love what I create!

What new things are other people trying at the moment?